Universal Screed Modifier for Bedding and Repairing
ReArm Epoxy USM is a two component Epoxy resin universal Screed Modifier. It is a solvent Free, consisting of Specially Modified Resin and Hardener. This Resin and Hardener system along with the graded site filler will produce the mortar . The finished cured mortar is highly impervious and provides high resistance to both chemical and Mechanical loads.
Area of Applications :
For repairing of cement -based areas e.g. in production areas, warehouses, ramps
For producing leveling Screeds and scratch coats for surface preparation and repairs in various industries.
For Producing site made mortar / epoxy concrete for repairs of hydraulic structures / Dams/ Canals / Bridges/Aquaducts.
Wall lining in waste water handling structures
Benefits of ReArm Epoxy USM :
Solvent free
Mixing tools can be cleaned by Water and soap
Yellowish Translucent
Withstands mechanical loading when used as mortar
Moderate Resistant to dilute alkalis, acids, aqueous salt solutions, lubricants
High Modulus of Elasticity