ReArm Coat W2S

Water Repellent (Water Based)

ReArm Coat W2S Water Repellent is a water diluted solution of alkali alkyl siliconate designed to impart water repellency to a wide variety of surfaces.

Downloads: TDSMSDS

Area of Applications :

It is suitable for application on almost all common types of building materials

Suitable for porous like Bricks Unsintered Clinker Split

Clinker Facades Stones

Light Concrete

Benefits of ReArm Coat W2S :

Ready to use Brush or Spray applied

Leaves the interior dry in all weather conditions

Does not effect the breathing capacity of impregnated surfaces

Prevents fungus and moss growth

Good penetration capacity

An efficient waterproofing and damp proofing is obtained during winter and spring seasons

Provides long lasting and durable impregnation to facades, concrete and masonry supplemented by water repellent properties

Permeability is low to water salt solutions Colorless and non-yellowing protection preserves the natural appearance of the substrate
